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NO RIP!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I just watched the episode of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta where Deb started her campaign NO Reckless Internet Posting!!!! 


I have mixed feelings about this, no doubt internet and cyber bullying has contributed alot to the homicides in suicides in the younger generation. It crazy to see something such as the internet that was created and developed to make aspects of peoples lives easier has been turned into such a bullet in the lives of people. 
Its funny to me how a computer screen and a keyboard can give someone so much courage to tear other people down and say things that will hurt someone. There have been so many beefs on social platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. that have ended up in violence and deaths of so many people over the smallest things likes an 150 character post or a picture on Instagram that someone disagreed with. Now Ms Debra has started this campaign of NO RECKLESS INTERNET POSTING, but what I think needs to happen is people should stop taking their internet life of so much more value then regular life, they are two different worlds and until people can distinguish them as such then there is always gonna be the "bully" and the "bullied" who will take a comment or post to heart and do something drastic. 

The NO RIP campaign is a great thing but i think there needs to a serious reality check and talk given to the younger generation as to what is serious what is petty, and what is respect and disrespect. 

But congrats to Ms Debra on gettting the ball rolling. 

TAKE THE PLEDGE TODAY!! Spread some knowledge, help find an alternative and provide some support to someone who needs it. 

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