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Spending Everythang on Alexander well not everything.....

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

As everyone should know Alexander Wang came out with a new guest celebrity line with H&M, it launched Novemeber 6th, 2014. I have moved back home to Virginia and knew that no store near me would even have it so i decided to go to New York City for a day and see some old coworkers and also indulge in some WANNNNGGGGGGG!!! Since i was working that day i really didnt get every single piece i wanted but i did get 2/4 and got an added extra.
Anyone everyone knows the Wang leggins made famous first by Rihanna who got the set wayyyyyy before the launch.

Well  i decided to get the leggings and the sports bra and played with a few ways i would style it.

Some samples/ideas:

White Heels/Wool Hat or White Heels/Leather Cap

Barbie Mesh Jacket: Forever 21 Barbie Collection
Leather Cap: Ebay
Wool Floppy Hat: H&M
Jordans: Footlocker
White heels: Ebay
Lace booties: Forever 21 

Dont forget to be thankful for the life you live, WhatAPrettiLife it is.

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